Dr. Mary T. Dooley Map Library
The Dr. Mary T. Dooley Map Library is located in the southeast corner of Memorial Library on the first floor. There is a wealth of geographic information including maps, atlases, aerial photographs, and much more.
Checkout Information
You can checkout most materials in the Map Library. Our checkout periods determine how long you may borrow items. A portion of the atlases cannot be checked out. These atlases are labeled “For Reference” on the inside cover.
Reference Assistance:
Reference help is available at the Maps Desk in the Dr. Mary T. Dooley Map Library or by phone (507-389-1288) from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Outside of these hours, help is available at the Reference Desk on the first floor of the library, by phone (507-389-5958), or through our Ask a Librarian feature.
Evan Rusch
Government Documents Librarian
email: evan.rusch@mnsu.edu
Phone: 507-389-2460
Nicole Smith
Map Technician
email: nicole.smith.3@mnsu.edu
Phone: 507-389-1288

Dr. Mary T. Dooley (1924-2018)
Professor Dooley was a dedicated scholar and educator who served the University from 1966 to 1990 as a faculty member in the Geography Department, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Acting Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Professor Dooley left a financial gift to Minnesota State Mankato to be used for student scholarships, field research, and the development of the collections in the University Map Library, which is named in her honor.
Full Story + Show Less –Her research and teaching focused on understanding historical land use. Professor Dooley taught cartography throughout her career, and she created countless maps documenting socio-economic, demographic and land-use change. She is known for her map of the ethnic heritage of immigrants to Blue Earth County, 1880. In 2003 Professor Dooley left a financial gift to Minnesota State Mankato to be used for student scholarships, field research, and the development of the collections in the University Map Library. The Dr. Mary T. Dooley Geography and Map Library Endowments honor a scholar and educator who has been a consistent and generous supporter of the Department of Geography.