2016 MSU Authors Reception
Honoring 2014-2016 Minnesota State University, Mankato Authors
The 2016 MSU Authors Reception was held on April 7, 2016 in the Marilyn J. Lass Center for Minnesota Studies, 2nd floor of the Memorial Library. The event honored faculty and staff authors who had written and/or edited books with publications dates between March 2014 and March 2016.
The list of 2014-2016 honorees included:
William Brown, Accounting and Business Law
Steve Buechler, Sociology and Corrections
Angela Jill Cooley, History
Daniel Cronn-Mills, Communication Studies
Sandra Eggenberger, Nursing
Lynnette M. Engeswick, Dental Hygiene
Geoff Herbach, English
John J. Janc, Modern Languages
Deborah Jesseman, K-12 and Secondary Programs
Andrew Johnson, Special Education
Norma Krumwiede, Nursing
Michael Larson, Mass Communications
William E. Lass, Emeritus, History
Paul Force-Emery Mackie, Social Work
Sachi Sekimoto, Communication Studies
Ferdinand T. Siagian, Accounting and Business Law
Danaè R. Quirk Dorr, Chemistry & Geology
Jacqueline Vieceli, Government
Heather G Von Bank, Family Consumer Science
Dennis D. Waskul, Sociology and Corrections
Patricia Young, Nursing
Sun Kyeong Yu, Philosophy
Kimberly Zammitt, Social Work