Noise Policy:

December 2024

In accordance with the University’s Statement of Student Responsibilities, there is the expectation that:

Individuals will respect and foster the academic endeavors of others. Minnesota State Mankato exists to promote learning, and as such, students must behave in such a way so as to allow the process of learning to take place by group or individual.

Examples of violations include, but are not limited to: harassment of a faculty member; disrupting teaching or learning; excessive noise that disrupts classes, studying, or University activities; other activities that seriously disrupt the educational process; intentionally altering, inhibiting, or stealing another person's research.

Memorial Library is a shared space, and is divided into either Social or Quiet Zones, as posted on signage.

Quiet Zones: Silence is expected. No audible sounds.
Social Zones: Moderate conversations, either in person or on a phone, are acceptable.
Music, video, and devices should be inaudible. Library users in social zones, particularly near service desks, should anticipate collaborative discussions and noise associated with interactive assistance, public programming and events.

Library users who are disturbing other users may be asked to lower their volume, move to another area, or leave the library.
Library users who are sensitive to noise in social zones may be encouraged to move to a quieter area. Library employees can recommend other options for addressing these patrons’ concerns.